The Soldierflies and Allies Recording Scheme collates biological records for 11 related Diptera families, using the information to promote enjoyment, study and conservation of the species and their habitats.
This recording scheme falls under the umbrella of Dipterists Forum. The scheme is coordinated by Martin Harvey with help from others in Dipterists Forum.
A series of identification guides can be downloaded from the link on the left.
To send in your records, please add them to iRecord (or see the "Sending in records" link for other options). Records are shared with NBN Atlas, Local Environmental Recording Centres and others.
Lots more resources, including a national atlas and recording scheme newsletters, are available via the links.
The Soldierflies and Allies Recording Scheme includes these families of flies:
- Soldierflies, Stratiomyidae
- Horseflies, Tabanidae
- Robberflies, Asilidae
- Snipeflies, Rhagionidae
- Stiletto-flies, Therevidae
- Bee-flies, Bombyliidae
- Hunchback-flies, Acroceridae
- Water-snipeflies, Athericidae
- Windowflies, Scenopinidae
- Awl-flies, Xylophagidae
- Wood-soldierflies, Xylomyidae
The main guide to these species is British soldierflies and their allies by Alan Stubbs and Martin Drake, available from the BENHS; see also the other books on our resources page.
We're active on Bluesky at Soldierflies Recording Scheme, and we contribute to the British Soldierflies and Allies Facebook group.