Mosquitoes Recording Scheme

Alongside active surveillance at ports and land transport sites, the UK Health Security Agency runs a passive mosquito surveillance scheme: The Mosquito Recording Scheme (MRS). The MRS is a citizen-science scheme, it receives and identifies mosquitoes submitted by members of the public, including in response to nuisance biting incidents. The aims of the scheme are to detect unusual or invasive species, provide a log of reportable incidents of nuisance mosquito biting, and gain insight into the seasonality of British mosquito biting.

The scheme is also now collating records from iRecord.

For more information see:

  • Johnston C.J., Vaux A.G.C., Cull B., and Medlock J.M. (2023) Passive surveillance records including nuisance or suspected invasive/non-native mosquitoes in the United Kingdom, 2005-2021. Journal of the European Mosquito Control Association, Wageningen Academic Publishers, 41, 35-45.
Books relating to this scheme