Small Acalypterate Families Recording Scheme

  • Taxonomic Group (English): small Acalypterate families
  • Taxonomic Group (Scientific): Diptera: Acalypterates
  • Scheme Organiser: Darwyn Sumner + Nigel Jones (Piophilidae) + Steven Falk

Numerically small Acalypterate Families hitherto unserved by Dipterists Forum Recording Schemes. Diptera: Acartophthalmidae, Asteiidae, Aulacigastridae, Braulidae, Camillidae, Campichoetidae, Canacidae, Carnidae, Clusiidae, Diastatidae, Dryomyzidae, Milichiidae, Odiniidae, Periscelididae, Piophilidae Recording Scheme formed in 1999 (Dipterists Forum Bulletin #47) in anticipation of improved expertise, interest, records and recording methodology. Such conditions were met in 2022.

Methods, collation and validation by recorders. Verification of specific Families by designated experts as announced in Dipterists Forum Bulletin (#93 onwards)

Records for the scheme can be added to iRecord, or contact the scheme organiser direct to send spreadsheet records.


Books relating to this scheme