New members of Dipterists Forum are very welcome! Join the society to learn about flies, receive a Bulletin full of the latest news twice a year, and if you wish you can also subscribe to our journal Dipterists Digest.
You can download a membership application form (PDF) to return to us – contact details:
- Dipterists Forum Membership Secretary, 103, Desborough Road, Rothwell, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 6JQ, UK
Subscription Rates updated for 2024 onwards:
UK rates:
- Membership + printed Bulletin: £12pa
- Membership + PDF Bulletin: £8pa
- Membership + printed Bulletin and printed Dipterists Digest: £26pa
- Membership + PDF Bulletin and printed Dipterists Digest: £22pa
Overseas rates:
- Membership + printed Bulletin: £18pa
- Membership + PDF Bulletin: £8pa
- Membership + printed Bulletin and printed Dipterists Digest: £30pa
- Membership + PDF Bulletin and printed Dipterists Digest: £26pa
Payments should be made in Pounds Sterling.
We prefer payments by Standing Order and you can download a Banker's Order form (PDF) to instruct your bank to set up such an order or you can set it up through online banking. If paying by banker's order or bank transfer please put your name in the payment reference of the transaction or we will not know from whom it has come.
Alternatively, payments can be made by cheque made out to "Dipterists Forum" and posted to the Membership Secretary (please note that we are no longer able to offer a PayPal option for subscriptions).
Our NatWest Bank account details, for national or international payments, are:
- Account Name: Dipterists Forum
- Sort Code: 60-60-08
- Account number: 48054615
- IBAN code: GB56NWBK60600848054615
You can join online via the "Add to cart" button below but you will need to proceed with the "offline payment" option. This will add your contact details to our system but you wil need to arrange a separate payment using one of the options given above. For more information on joining online see our Help page.
Note that if you use the buttons below to "Add to cart" you will get taken back to the top of the page, where you will see a green box that contains a link to "your cart" - click on that link to proceed to checkout.