Hippoboscidae and Nycteribiidae Recording Scheme

Flat fly, Crataerina pallida on Common Swift (Apus apus) © Darren E. Nicholls, 2020


  • Taxonomic Group (English): Keds, flat-flies or louse-flies, and bat-flies
  • Taxonomic Group (Scientific): Diptera: Hippoboscidae and Nycteribiidae
  • Scheme Organisers: Denise Wawman (Hippoboscidae) and Erica McAlister (Nycteribiidae)

This scheme was established in 2020 to promote the study and recording of the UK species in these two families.

Records for the scheme can be added to iRecord, or contact the scheme organisers direct to send spreadsheet records or for help with identification.

The best reference is Hutson, A. M. (1984) ‘Keds, Flat-flies and Bat-Flies: Diptera, Hippoboscidae and Nycteribiidae’, Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 10(7), Available at: https://www.royensoc.co.uk/sites/default/files/Vol10_Part07_Hutson.pdf



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