
I collected this Muscidae at over 800 metres altitude in the Cairngorms last June (DF Field week). I just cannot run it down with keys or descriptions. It does not appear to be one of the British Drymeia (very densely hairy eyes), or any Phaonia, or Helina. It's not Spilogona as far as I can make out, nor Thricops. Where am I going wrong?! Can anyone suggest anything? My best bet is Spilogona I guess, so meanwhile I am going to be running through descriptions of Spilogona species. Do any Spilogona have the dilated gena of this fly?


I consulted Adrian Pont who suggested Phaonia. This fly is P. lugubris.

Note for other Muscid workers: The very distinctive ventral fringe of long hairs on the fore tibia is surprisingly difficult to see. Unless one achieves precisely the correct aspect for viewing the fringe stays stubbornly out of view. It was my initial conclusion that this fly had no such fringe that led me to dismiss P. lugubris as the likely species I had before me. Image of finge below

Muscids - a challenge round every corner!