NEW: Dipterists Digest articles listed by subject

Thanks to Peter Chandler for providing a comprehensive list of all Digest articles categorised by subject. This is available from the Dipterists Digest page (alongside the existing contents list by date of publication). Peter says:

"All items published in Dipterists Digest are listed chronologically under subject headings. Families are listed in the order of the latest (2024) checklist. The cranefly families are grouped together as overlap is frequent. Where 2-5 families are involved the article is listed under each of them. Where a larger number of families are included listing is only under one of the general categories. For Dipterists Day Exhibits all included families are listed. Items published in the First (1988-1994) and Second (1994-2024) Series are indicated by 1 or 2 prior to the volume number."

Date added