This pupae was collected from the end of a bramble stem whilst looking for hymenopteran larvae, 20.ii.2019, Queens Park, Swindon, Wiltshire - SU155842. Thanks to Roger Morris for offering me the suggestion tachinid pupae. I reared through to its emergence yesterday 30.iii.2019, thanks due to Chris Raper for him identifying it from some poor images (worse than those below) - Triarthria setipennis ♀, a perusal of NBN Atlas suggests 242 records within it and none in North Wiltshire VC7. Chris commented "It's pretty common but not caught all the often ... it likes hedgerows, eats earwigs . . . I got loads when I put malaise traps along hedges with bramble", my question is does anyone have any Wiltshire records North VC7 or South VC8 as none are shown to date.