How to record a species.

Submitted by raweden on

I have the issue of not getting species that I place on iRecord looked at by anyone who can verify them (not unique to Diptera). In addition I have, as an example, records of Lepiseodina (ex Telmatoscopus) tristis (Meigen, 1830) that species does not appear on iRecord. County recorders look at iRecord for county records and then ask if the species are verified. I have to reply no. I am no expert in the groups that interest me and as a pensioner have limited financial resources to obtain papers on species identification and am not within easy reach of a University. I am in need of some form of assistance in verifying records. I am currently working through what will end up as around 4,000 specimens of Psychodidae with a view to publishing their temporal occurence at a location in Suffolk.